Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Stand Theme

"The Stand" by Stephen King is an apocalyptic book about a man made virus that wipes out 99.4% of the human race, and the story of the survival of the last .6%. The main theme being put across in the story is good versus evil, which is portrayed very clearly. The good happen to reside in Boulder, Colorado, a very environmentally clean and natural place. The people there are led by a very elderly woman who immediately attempts to re-organize them into a democratic society. All of these thing represent good: the environment is clean and natural representing life,the elderly woman represents a warm family feeling, and the democratic system represents a free and liberal society. The evil side on the other hand, resides in Las Vegas, dirtier run down place ripe with crime, corruption,temptation, and materials. They are led by a tall dark man who controls his people through force and intimidation, murdering and crucifying those who defy him. These opposite forces are clearly incompatible, and thus only can remain for the other to thrive.

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